The Greater Greenville Community Foundation Era
At that point, in 1999-2000, under new leadership and with a new purpose, the Board decided to restructure and convert from the Greenville Trust to The Greater Greenville Foundation and this was led by the legal counsel of Walt Kitchin and the firm of Colombo, Kitchin & Ball. Tommy Stroud began his term as President and the Board spent about 12 months going through the transition process and the GGCF was formed as a public charity 501 C 3 organization and at that time began to seek part time help for a Director Position. John Minges joined the organization and together with Tommy Stroud helped organize the 20 years worth of files, archives, and legal documents. About one full year was spent getting the bylaws, articles of incorporation and other legal filings in place. John Minges served for one year, and in October of 2001 it was voted on by the Board that they would seek a full time Executive Director.
After the interview process was completed, Melissa Spain was hired by Tommy Stroud and the Board of Directors to serve as the first, full time Executive Director. At the very beginning of the formation of the Greater Greenville Foundation, the organization held two funds, Hooker & Barnhill Funds which were both valued at approximately 2 million dollars. The only cash in hand the Foundation had at the time of hiring the Director was a $50,000 CD.

The Community Foundation of NC East, serving the entire eastern region of North Carolina, is the largest charitable/philanthropic Foundation east of Raleigh, whose area of focus is the eastern region! While we manage Endowments for Donor and Donor families from across the state as well as the US, our primary focus is the philanthropic needs and opportunities of eastern North Carolina! In the past 24 years, our Foundation has grown to more than 80 Funds, with more than $75 million in assets under current management as well as by way of Bequests gifts! The CF of NC East now distributes approximately $2 million dollars annually in grants and philanthropic contributions to more than 100 charities, inclusive of schools, colleges and university scholarships.

The Community Foundation of NC East – Serving ALL of Eastern NC
Now being nearly at the end of our second decade, the GGCF is preparing to lead our Donors as well as our region of eastern North Carolina into the most prosperous future possible! As a result of such significant growth and successes, the Foundation recently made the prudent decision of making a name change to better represent who we have become as a Foundation.
The Foundation is extremely proud to officially announce our new name which is The Community Foundation of NC East! Our leadership indeed feels that this new name best represents who we are and who we serve. Our Donor base is represented in various cities and counties throughout the entire eastern region of North Carolina. While we are changing by way of name, we are not changing in terms of who we are, meaning that we remain one hundred percent committed to continuing with the highest level of service that we provide our Donor Family and the nonprofits throughout eastern North Carolina that we partner with.
As our Foundation prepares to begin its 25th year in business, the CF of NC East is prepared to lead our Donors and Regional Partners of eastern North Carolina into the most prosperous future possible! As a result of tireless efforts and significant success, our Foundation made the prudent decision to serve our entire region of the eastern part of North Carolina, and our name change to The Community Foundation of NC East certainly solidified that decision. While we only made a change by way of name, we have been able to remain one hundred percent committed to continuing with the highest level of service that we provide to our entire Donor Family and the nonprofits throughout eastern North Carolina and beyond.