Advisory Committee
The Community Foundation of NC East Investment Committee serves as an advisory committee composed of board leaders and community volunteers with extensive investment and finance expertise. Working closely with staff, the committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities for prudent investment of the funds entrusted to the community foundation. The Investment Committee Members represent a combined total of more than 70 years of finance and investment experience.
The role of the Investment Committee is to recommend policy and provide direction for the investment of the financial assets of the community foundation, inclusive of policy statement, asset allocation and manager selection. The Investment Policy Statement defines risk tolerance and return objective, and establishes a strategic policy allocation designed to achieve the goals set forth by the foundation. The committee carefully considers capital market risk and return estimates to ensure the policy allocation is appropriate. The long term investment goal of the Community Foundation of NC East is to achieve an annualized return that is approximately 5 percent more than the rate of inflation and is net of fees and expenses. The Investment Committee meets at least semi annually as well as on an is needed basis to review performance and make recommendations. The Investment Policy of the foundation is reviewed annually and revisions are made in response to changes in long term objectives or risk tolerance, fluctuations in economic and investment market conditions, the inception of new asset classes or other factors.
Investment Policy Statement and Administrative Fee Schedule are available upon request.

Melissa Quinn Spain
Chief Executive Officer,
Community Foundation of NC East
Investment Committee Member
Sam Hylton
Investment Committee Member
Thomas E. Stroud
Founding Board President, Community Foundation of NC East
Investment Committee Advisor Ex-Officio
L. Mitchell Jones III
Chairman, Investment Committee